[Erp5-users] New to erp5

JD Doelitzsch jd at bentecmed.com
Mon May 8 22:03:53 CEST 2006

Hi guys,

Ive just downloaded and checked out the live cd. It seems to boot fine on
the system. I was hoping to be able to access the system using a web browser
on the lan, which I think erp5 was intended for anyway. I went the the gui
network interface setup and changed ips to reflect our lan (good). I was
able to access from another computer (good). Problem is that get the zope
object program instead of erp5. I tried using the url that the live computer
uses to access the erp5 system and i get a site error. Now im new to linux
too, but Im assuming that access needs to be setup on apache? (or whatever
web solution) or is there a script i need to edit. Looked through the guide
online about ip settings saves on restart. I cant seem to access the file
without being root(not related but interesting to note.) ummmm what
else....oh so if anyone also has any info on importing info, for instance
like inventory lists or BOMS. that would be helpful too.


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