[Erp5-report] r45586 seb - in /erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode: ./ src/ src/erp5/ src...

nobody at svn.erp5.org nobody at svn.erp5.org
Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 CEST 2011

Author: seb
Date: Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
New Revision: 45586

URL: http://svn.erp5.org?rev=45586&view=rev
add recipe to run test suites from a git repository.
This repository should define the software to install
with slapos


Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/CHANGES.txt
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/CHANGES.txt?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/CHANGES.txt (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/CHANGES.txt [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+1.0 (unreleased)

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/MANIFEST.in
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/MANIFEST.in?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/MANIFEST.in (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/MANIFEST.in [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+include CHANGES.txt
+recursive-include src/erp5/recipe/testnode *.in

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/README.txt
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/README.txt?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/README.txt (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/README.txt [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The erp5.recipe.tesnode aims to install generic erp5 testnode.

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.cfg
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.cfg?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.cfg (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.cfg [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+tag_build = .dev
+tag_svn_revision = 1

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/setup.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+name = "erp5.recipe.testnode"
+version = '1.0'
+def read(name):
+  return open(name).read()
+long_description=( read('README.txt')
+                   + '\n' +
+                   read('CHANGES.txt')
+                 )
+    name = name,
+    version = version,
+    description = "ZC Buildout recipe for create an testnode instance",
+    long_description=long_description,
+    license = "GPLv3",
+    keywords = "buildout erp5 test",
+    classifiers=[
+        "Framework :: Buildout :: Recipe",
+        "Programming Language :: Python",
+    ],
+    packages = find_packages('src'),
+    package_dir = {'': 'src'},
+    include_package_data=True,
+    install_requires = [
+      'setuptools',
+      'slapos.lib.recipe',
+      'xml_marshaller',
+      'zc.buildout',
+      'zc.recipe.egg',
+      # below are requirements to provide full blown python interpreter
+      'lxml',
+      'PyXML',
+      ],
+    namespace_packages = ['erp5', 'erp5.recipe'],
+    entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['default = %s:Recipe' % name]},
+    )

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/__init__.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/__init__.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/__init__.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/__init__.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# See http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#namespace-packages
+    __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
+except ImportError:
+    from pkgutil import extend_path
+    __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) 

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/__init__.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/__init__.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/__init__.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/__init__.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# See http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#namespace-packages
+    __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
+except ImportError:
+    from pkgutil import extend_path
+    __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) 

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/SlapOSControler.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/SlapOSControler.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/SlapOSControler.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/SlapOSControler.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import slapos.slap, subprocess, os, time
+from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller
+class SlapOSControler(object):
+  def __init__(self, config, process_group_pid_list=None):
+    self.config = config
+    self.process_group_pid_list = []
+    # By erasing everything, we make sure that we are able to "update"
+    # existing profiles. This is quite dirty way to do updates...
+    if os.path.exists(config['proxy_database']):
+      os.unlink(config['proxy_database'])
+    proxy = subprocess.Popen([config['slapproxy_binary'],
+      config['slapos_config']], close_fds=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
+    process_group_pid_list.append(proxy.pid)
+    # XXX: dirty, giving some time for proxy to being able to accept
+    # connections
+    time.sleep(2)
+    slap = slapos.slap.slap()
+    slap.initializeConnection(config['master_url'])
+    # register software profile
+    self.software_profile = os.path.join(config['repository_path'],
+                     config['profile_url'])
+    slap.registerSupply().supply(
+        self.software_profile,
+        computer_guid=config['computer_id'])
+    computer = slap.registerComputer(config['computer_id'])
+    # create partition and configur computer
+    partition_reference = config['partition_reference']
+    partition_path = os.path.join(config['instance_root'], partition_reference)
+    if not os.path.exists(partition_path):
+      os.mkdir(partition_path)
+      os.chmod(partition_path, 0750)
+    computer.updateConfiguration(xml_marshaller.dumps({
+ 'address': config['ipv4_address'],
+ 'instance_root': config['instance_root'],
+ 'netmask': '',
+ 'partition_list': [{'address_list': [{'addr': config['ipv4_address'],
+                                       'netmask': ''},
+                                      {'addr': config['ipv6_address'],
+                                       'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff::'},
+                      ],
+                     'path': partition_path,
+                     'reference': partition_reference,
+                     'tap': {'name': partition_reference},
+                     }
+                    ],
+ 'reference': config['computer_id'],
+ 'software_root': config['software_root']}))
+  def runSoftwareRelease(self, config, process_group_pid_list=None):
+    print "SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease"
+    while True:
+      cpu_count = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+      os.putenv('MAKEFLAGS', '-j%s' % cpu_count)
+      slapgrid = subprocess.Popen([config['slapgrid_software_binary'], '-v', '-c',
+        #'--buildout-parameter',"'-U -N' -o",
+        config['slapos_config']],
+        close_fds=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
+      process_group_pid_list.append(slapgrid.pid)
+      slapgrid.wait()
+      if slapgrid.returncode == 0:
+        print 'Software installed properly'
+        break
+      else:
+        raise ValueError("Slapgrid software failed")
+      print 'Problem with software installation, trying again'
+      time.sleep(600)
+  def runComputerPartition(self, config, process_group_pid_list=None):
+    print "SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease"
+    slap = slapos.slap.slap()
+    slap.registerOpenOrder().request(self.software_profile,
+        partition_reference='testing partition',
+        partition_parameter_kw=config['instance_dict'])
+    slapgrid = subprocess.Popen([config['slapgrid_partition_binary'],
+      config['slapos_config'], '-c', '-v'], close_fds=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
+    process_group_pid_list.append(slapgrid.pid)
+    slapgrid.wait()
+    if slapgrid.returncode != 0:
+      raise ValueError('Slapgrid instance failed')
\ No newline at end of file

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/Updater.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/Updater.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/Updater.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/Updater.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import os, sys, subprocess, re, threading
+from testnode import SubprocessError
+_format_command_search = re.compile("[[\\s $({?*\\`#~';<>&|]").search
+_format_command_escape = lambda s: "'%s'" % r"'\''".join(s.split("'"))
+def format_command(*args, **kw):
+  cmdline = []
+  for k, v in sorted(kw.items()):
+    if _format_command_search(v):
+      v = _format_command_escape(v)
+    cmdline.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))
+  for v in args:
+    if _format_command_search(v):
+      v = _format_command_escape(v)
+    cmdline.append(v)
+  return ' '.join(cmdline)
+def subprocess_capture(p, quiet=False):
+  def readerthread(input, output, buffer):
+    while True:
+      data = input.readline()
+      if not data:
+        break
+      output(data)
+      buffer.append(data)
+  if p.stdout:
+    stdout = []
+    output = quiet and (lambda data: None) or sys.stdout.write
+    stdout_thread = threading.Thread(target=readerthread,
+                                     args=(p.stdout, output, stdout))
+    stdout_thread.setDaemon(True)
+    stdout_thread.start()
+  if p.stderr:
+    stderr = []
+    stderr_thread = threading.Thread(target=readerthread,
+                                     args=(p.stderr, sys.stderr.write, stderr))
+    stderr_thread.setDaemon(True)
+    stderr_thread.start()
+  if p.stdout:
+    stdout_thread.join()
+  if p.stderr:
+    stderr_thread.join()
+  p.wait()
+  return (p.stdout and ''.join(stdout),
+          p.stderr and ''.join(stderr))
+GIT_TYPE = 'git'
+SVN_TYPE = 'svn'
+class Updater(object):
+  _git_cache = {}
+  realtime_output = True
+  stdin = file(os.devnull)
+  def __init__(self, repository_path, revision=None, git_binary=None):
+    self.revision = revision
+    self._path_list = []
+    self.repository_path = repository_path
+    self.git_binary = git_binary
+  def getRepositoryPath(self):
+    return self.repository_path
+  def getRepositoryType(self):
+    try:
+      return self.repository_type
+    except AttributeError:
+      # guess the type of repository we have
+      if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(
+                       self.getRepositoryPath(), '.git')):
+        repository_type = GIT_TYPE
+      elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(
+                       self.getRepositoryPath(), '.svn')):
+        repository_type = SVN_TYPE
+      else:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+      self.repository_type = repository_type
+      return repository_type
+  def deletePycFiles(self, path):
+    """Delete *.pyc files so that deleted/moved files can not be imported"""
+    for path, dir_list, file_list in os.walk(path):
+      for file in file_list:
+        if file[-4:] in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
+          # allow several processes clean the same folder at the same time
+          try:
+            os.remove(os.path.join(path, file))
+          except OSError, e:
+            if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+              raise
+  def spawn(self, *args, **kw):
+    quiet = kw.pop('quiet', False)
+    env = kw and dict(os.environ, **kw) or None
+    command = format_command(*args, **kw)
+    print '\n$ ' + command
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=self.stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env,
+                         cwd=self.getRepositoryPath())
+    if self.realtime_output:
+      stdout, stderr = subprocess_capture(p, quiet)
+    else:
+      stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+      if not quiet:
+        sys.stdout.write(stdout)
+      sys.stderr.write(stderr)
+    result = dict(status_code=p.returncode, command=command,
+                  stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+    if p.returncode:
+      raise SubprocessError(result)
+    return result
+  def _git(self, *args, **kw):
+    return self.spawn(self.git_binary, *args, **kw)['stdout'].strip()
+  def _git_find_rev(self, ref):
+    try:
+      return self._git_cache[ref]
+    except KeyError:
+      if os.path.exists('.git/svn'):
+        r = self._git('svn', 'find-rev', ref)
+        assert r
+        self._git_cache[ref[0] != 'r' and 'r%u' % int(r) or r] = ref
+      else:
+        r = self._git('rev-list', '--topo-order', '--count', ref), ref
+      self._git_cache[ref] = r
+      return r
+  def getRevision(self, *path_list):
+    if not path_list:
+      path_list = self._path_list
+    if self.getRepositoryType() == GIT_TYPE:
+      h = self._git('log', '-1', '--format=%H', '--', *path_list)
+      return self._git_find_rev(h)
+    elif self.getRepositoryType() == SVN_TYPE:
+      stdout = self.spawn('svn', 'info', *path_list)['stdout']
+      return str(max(map(int, SVN_CHANGED_REV.findall(stdout))))
+    raise NotImplementedError
+  def checkout(self, *path_list):
+    if not path_list:
+      path_list = '.',
+    revision = self.revision
+    if self.getRepositoryType() == GIT_TYPE:
+      # edit .git/info/sparse-checkout if you want sparse checkout
+      if revision:
+        if type(revision) is str:
+          h = self._git_find_rev('r' + revision)
+        else:
+          h = revision[1]
+        if h != self._git('rev-parse', 'HEAD'):
+          self.deletePycFiles('.')
+          self._git('reset', '--merge', h)
+      else:
+        self.deletePycFiles('.')
+        if os.path.exists('.git/svn'):
+          self._git('svn', 'rebase')
+        else:
+          self._git('pull', '--ff-only')
+        self.revision = self._git_find_rev(self._git('rev-parse', 'HEAD'))
+    elif self.getRepositoryType() == SVN_TYPE:
+      # following code allows sparse checkout
+      def svn_mkdirs(path):
+        path = os.path.dirname(path)
+        if path and not os.path.isdir(path):
+          svn_mkdirs(path)
+          self.spawn(*(args + ['--depth=empty', path]))
+      for path in path_list:
+        args = ['svn', 'up', '--force', '--non-interactive']
+        if revision:
+          args.append('-r%s' % revision)
+        svn_mkdirs(path)
+        args += '--set-depth=infinity', path
+        self.deletePycFiles(path)
+        try:
+          status_dict = self.spawn(*args)
+        except SubprocessError, e:
+          if 'cleanup' not in e.stderr:
+            raise
+          self.spawn('svn', 'cleanup', path)
+          status_dict = self.spawn(*args)
+        if not revision:
+          self.revision = revision = SVN_UP_REV.findall(
+            status_dict['stdout'].splitlines()[-1])[0]
+    else:
+      raise NotImplementedError
+    self._path_list += path_list

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/__init__.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/__init__.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/__init__.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/__init__.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from slapos.lib.recipe.BaseSlapRecipe import BaseSlapRecipe
+import os
+import pkg_resources
+import zc.buildout
+import zc.recipe.egg
+import sys
+CONFIG = dict(
+  proxy_port='5000',
+  computer_id='COMPUTER',
+  partition_reference='test0',
+class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
+  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+    self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(buildout, options['recipe'], options)
+    BaseSlapRecipe.__init__(self, buildout, name, options)
+  def installSlapOs(self):
+    CONFIG['slapos_directory'] = self.createDataDirectory('slapos')
+    CONFIG['working_directory'] = self.createDataDirectory('testnode')
+    CONFIG['software_root'] = os.path.join(CONFIG['slapos_directory'],
+        'software')
+    CONFIG['instance_root'] = os.path.join(CONFIG['slapos_directory'],
+        'instance')
+    CONFIG['proxy_database'] = os.path.join(CONFIG['slapos_directory'],
+        'proxy.db')
+    CONFIG['proxy_host'] = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
+    CONFIG['master_url'] = 'http://%s:%s' % (CONFIG['proxy_host'],
+        CONFIG['proxy_port'])
+    self._createDirectory(CONFIG['software_root'])
+    self._createDirectory(CONFIG['instance_root'])
+    CONFIG['slapos_config'] = self.createConfigurationFile('slapos.cfg',
+        self.substituteTemplate(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+          'template/slapos.cfg.in'), CONFIG))
+    self.path_list.append(CONFIG['slapos_config'])
+  def setupRunningWrapper(self):
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
+      'testnode',
+        __name__+'.testnode', 'run')], self.ws,
+          sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
+            dict(
+              computer_id=CONFIG['computer_id'],
+              instance_dict=eval(self.parameter_dict.get('instance_dict', '{}')),
+              instance_root=CONFIG['instance_root'],
+              ipv4_address=self.getLocalIPv4Address(),
+              ipv6_address=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
+              master_url=CONFIG['master_url'],
+              profile_url=self.parameter_dict['profile_url'],
+              proxy_database=CONFIG['proxy_database'],
+              proxy_port=CONFIG['proxy_port'],
+              slapgrid_partition_binary=self.options['slapgrid_partition_binary'],
+              slapgrid_software_binary=self.options['slapgrid_software_binary'],
+              slapos_config=CONFIG['slapos_config'],
+              slapproxy_binary=self.options['slapproxy_binary'],
+              git_binary=self.options['git_binary'],
+              software_root=CONFIG['software_root'],
+              working_directory=CONFIG['working_directory'],
+              vcs_repository=self.parameter_dict.get('vcs_repository'),
+              node_quantity=self.parameter_dict.get('node_quantity', '1'),
+              test_suite_master_url=self.parameter_dict.get(
+                                'test_suite_master_url', None),
+              test_suite_name=self.parameter_dict.get('test_suite_name'),
+              #slave_name=self.parameter_dict['slave_name'],
+              #slave_password=self.parameter_dict['slave_password'],
+              bin_directory=self.bin_directory,
+              foo='bar',
+              # botenvironemnt is splittable string of key=value to substitute
+              # environment of running bot
+              bot_environment=self.parameter_dict.get('bot_environment', ''),
+              partition_reference=CONFIG['partition_reference'],
+            )
+          ]))
+  def installLocalSvn(self):
+    svn_dict = dict(svn_binary = self.options['svn_binary'])
+    svn_dict.update(self.parameter_dict)
+    self._writeExecutable(os.path.join(self.bin_directory, 'svn'), """\
+%(svn_binary)s --username %(svn_username)s --password %(svn_password)s \
+--non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache "$@" """% svn_dict)
+    svnversion = os.path.join(self.bin_directory, 'svnversion')
+    if os.path.lexists(svnversion):
+      os.unlink(svnversion)
+    os.symlink(self.options['svnversion_binary'], svnversion)
+  def installLocalGit(self):
+    git_dict = dict(git_binary = self.options['git_binary'])
+    git_dict.update(self.parameter_dict)
+    double_slash_end_position = 1
+    # XXX, this should be provided by slapos
+    print "bin_directory : %r" % self.bin_directory
+    home_directory = os.path.join(*os.path.split(self.bin_directory)[0:-1])
+    print "home_directory : %r" % home_directory
+    git_dict.setdefault("git_server_name", "git.erp5.org")
+    netrc_file = open(os.path.join(home_directory, '.netrc'), 'w')
+    netrc_file.write("""
+machine %(git_server_name)s
+login %(vcs_username)s
+password %(vcs_password)s""" % git_dict)
+    netrc_file.close()
+  def installLocalRepository(self):
+    if self.parameter_dict.get('vcs_repository').endswith('git'):
+      self.installLocalGit()
+    else:
+      self.installLocalSvn()
+  def installLocalZip(self):
+    zip = os.path.join(self.bin_directory, 'zip')
+    if os.path.lexists(zip):
+      os.unlink(zip)
+    os.symlink(self.options['zip_binary'], zip)
+  def installLocalPython(self):
+    """Installs local python fully featured with eggs"""
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([], self.ws,
+          sys.executable, self.bin_directory, scripts=None,
+          interpreter='python'))
+  def installLocalRunUnitTest(self):
+    link = os.path.join(self.bin_directory, 'runUnitTest')
+    destination = os.path.join(CONFIG['instance_root'],
+        CONFIG['partition_reference'], 'bin', 'runUnitTest')
+    if os.path.lexists(link):
+      if not os.readlink(link) != destination:
+        os.unlink(link)
+    if not os.path.lexists(link):
+      os.symlink(destination, link)
+  def _install(self):
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set([__name__])
+    self.path_list = []
+    self.installSlapOs()
+    self.setupRunningWrapper()
+    self.installLocalRepository()
+    self.installLocalZip()
+    self.installLocalPython()
+    self.installLocalRunUnitTest()
+    return self.path_list

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/template/slapos.cfg.in
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/template/slapos.cfg.in?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/template/slapos.cfg.in (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/template/slapos.cfg.in [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+software_root = %(software_root)s
+instance_root = %(instance_root)s
+master_url = %(master_url)s
+computer_id = %(computer_id)s
+host = %(proxy_host)s
+port = %(proxy_port)s
+database_uri = %(proxy_database)s

Added: erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/testnode.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/testnode.py?rev=45586&view=auto
--- erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/testnode.py (added)
+++ erp5/trunk/utils/erp5.recipe.testnode/src/erp5/recipe/testnode/testnode.py [utf8] Wed Apr 20 11:40:00 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller
+import os, xmlrpclib, time, imp
+from glob import glob
+import signal
+import slapos.slap
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from SlapOSControler import SlapOSControler
+class SubprocessError(EnvironmentError):
+  def __init__(self, status_dict):
+    self.status_dict = status_dict
+  def __getattr__(self, name):
+    return self.status_dict[name]
+  def __str__(self):
+    return 'Error %i' % self.status_code
+from Updater import Updater
+process_group_pid_list = []
+process_pid_file_list = []
+process_command_list = []
+def sigterm_handler(signal, frame):
+  for pgpid in process_group_pid_list:
+    try:
+      os.killpg(pgpid, signal.SIGTERM)
+    except:
+      pass
+  for pid_file in process_pid_file_list:
+    try:
+      os.kill(int(open(pid_file).read().strip()), signal.SIGTERM)
+    except:
+      pass
+  for p in process_command_list:
+    try:
+      subprocess.call(p)
+    except:
+      pass
+  sys.exit(1)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
+def safeRpcCall(function, *args):
+  retry = 64
+  while True:
+    try:
+      return function(*args)
+    except (socket.error, xmlrpclib.ProtocolError), e:
+      print >>sys.stderr, e
+      pprint.pprint(args, file(function._Method__name, 'w'))
+      time.sleep(retry)
+      retry += retry >> 1
+slapos_controler = None
+def run(args):
+  config = args[0]
+  slapgrid = None
+  supervisord_pid_file = os.path.join(config['instance_root'], 'var', 'run',
+        'supervisord.pid')
+  subprocess.check_call([config['git_binary'],
+                "config", "--global", "http.sslVerify", "false"])
+  previous_revision = None
+  run_software = True
+  try:
+    while True:
+      # Make sure we have local repository
+      repository_name = config['vcs_repository'].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+      repository_path = os.path.join(config['working_directory'],repository_name)
+      config['repository_path'] = repository_path
+      sys.path.append(repository_path)
+      print "repository_path : %r" % repository_path
+      if not os.path.exists(repository_path):
+        subprocess.check_call([config['git_binary'],
+                'clone', config['vcs_repository'], repository_path])
+        # XXX this looks like to not wait the end of the command
+      # Make sure we have local repository
+      updater = Updater(repository_path, git_binary=config['git_binary'])
+      updater.checkout()
+      revision = updater.getRevision()
+      if previous_revision == revision:
+        time.sleep(120)
+        continue
+      previous_revision = revision
+      print config
+      portal_url = config['test_suite_master_url']
+      test_result_path = None
+      test_result = (test_result_path, revision)
+      if portal_url:
+        if portal_url[-1] != '/':
+          portal_url += '/'
+        portal = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("%s%s" %
+                     (portal_url, 'portal_task_distribution'),
+                     allow_none=1)
+        master = portal.portal_task_distribution
+        assert master.getProtocolRevision() == 1
+        test_result = safeRpcCall(master.createTestResult,
+          config['test_suite_name'], revision, [],
+          False)
+      print "testnode, test_result : %r" % (test_result,)
+      if test_result:
+        test_result_path, test_revision = test_result
+        if revision != test_revision:
+          # other testnodes on other boxes are already ready to test another
+          # revision
+          updater = Updater(repository_path, git_binary=config['git_binary'],
+                            revision=test_revision)
+          updater.checkout()
+        # Now prepare the installation of SlapOS
+        slapos_controler = SlapOSControler(config,
+          process_group_pid_list=process_group_pid_list)
+        if run_software:
+          # this should be always true later, but it is too slow for now
+          slapos_controler.runSoftwareRelease(config,
+            process_group_pid_list=process_group_pid_list,
+            )
+          run_software = False
+        # create instances, it should take some seconds only
+        slapos_controler.runComputerPartition(config,
+                process_group_pid_list=process_group_pid_list)
+        # update repositories downloaded by buildout. Later we should get 
+        # from master a list of repositories
+        repository_path_list = glob(os.path.join(config['software_root'], 
+                                '*', 'parts', 'git_repository', '*'))
+        assert len(repository_path_list) >= 0
+        for repository_path in repository_path_list:
+          updater = Updater(repository_path, git_binary=config['git_binary'])
+          updater.checkout()
+          if os.path.split(repository_path)[-1] == repository_name:
+            # redo checkout with good revision, the previous one is used
+            # to pull last code
+            updater = Updater(repository_path, git_binary=config['git_binary'],
+                              revision=revision)
+            updater.checkout()
+          # calling dist/externals is only there for backward compatibility,
+          # the code will be removed soon
+          if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repository_path, 'dist/externals.py')):
+            process = subprocess.Popen(['dist/externals.py'],
+                      cwd=repository_path)
+            process.wait()
+        partition_path = os.path.join(config['instance_root'],
+                                      config['partition_reference'])
+        run_test_suite_path = os.path.join(partition_path, 'bin',
+                                           'runTestSuite')
+        if not os.path.exists(run_test_suite_path):
+          raise ValueError('No %r provided' % run_test_suite_path)
+        run_test_suite_revision = revision
+        if isinstance(revision, tuple):
+          revision = ','.join(revision)
+        run_test_suite = subprocess.Popen([run_test_suite_path,
+                         '--test_suite', config['test_suite_name'],
+                         '--revision', revision,
+                         '--node_quantity', config['node_quantity'],
+                         '--master_url', config['test_suite_master_url'],
+                         ], )
+        process_group_pid_list.append(run_test_suite.pid)
+        run_test_suite.wait()
+  finally:
+    # Nice way to kill *everything* generated by run process -- process
+    # groups working only in POSIX compilant systems
+    # Exceptions are swallowed during cleanup phase
+    print "going to kill %r" % (process_group_pid_list,)
+    for pgpid in process_group_pid_list:
+      try:
+        os.killpg(pgpid, signal.SIGTERM)
+      except:
+        pass
+    try:
+      if os.path.exists(supervisord_pid_file):
+        os.kill(int(open(supervisord_pid_file).read().strip()), signal.SIGTERM)
+    except:
+      pass

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