[Erp5-report] ERP5 r36291 : 3617 Tests, 2 Errors, 23 Failures, 48 Skips

nobody at svn.erp5.org nobody at svn.erp5.org
Sun Jun 13 20:26:23 CEST 2010

Test Suite: ERP5
Revision: 36291
Result: FAIL

All tests: 3617
Failures: 23
Errors: 2
Skips: 48

The following tests failed:

  testAdvancedInvoicing                              (1 errors)
   test_09_Reference (testAdvancedInvoicing.TestAdvancedSaleInvoice)

  testERP5Catalog                                    (1 failures, 3 skips)
   test_48bis_ERP5Site_hotReindexAllCheckCachedValues (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog)

  testERP5CurrencyExchangeLine                       (1 failures)
   test_CreateCELWithNoBasePrice (testERP5CurrencyExchangeLine.TestCurrencyExchangeLine)

  testERP5Simulation                                 (2 failures, 5 skips)
   test_09_InvoiceChangeStartDateFail (testERP5Simulation.TestERP5SimulationInvoice)
   test_18_compareInvoiceAndPackingList (testERP5Simulation.TestERP5SimulationInvoice)

  testICal                                           (1 failures)
   test_01_renderEvent (testICal.TestICal)

  testInvalidationBug                                (2 failures)
   testCommitOrder (testInvalidationBug.TestInvalidationBug), Check order of resources being committed
   testLateInvalidationFromZEO (testInvalidationBug.TestInvalidationBug)

  testOpenOrder                                      (2 failures, 1 errors)
   testOpenOrderRule (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
   testBuildingSaleOrder (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
   testPeriodicityDateList (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)

  testPreferences                                    (1 failures)
   test_property_sheet_security_on_permission (testPreferences.TestPreferences), Added a test to make sure permissions are used into portal

  testSerializeForm                                  (1 failures)
   test checking if the field values are of the proper type.

  testXHTML                                          (12 failures)
   test_erp5_accounting_Accounting_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_accounting_Payment_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_accounting_Purchase_Invoice_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_accounting_Sale_Invoice_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_advanced_invoicing_Purchase_Invoice_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_base_Organisation_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_base_Person_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_forge_Bug_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_forge_Bug_Line_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_project_Project_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_project_Project_Line_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
   test_erp5_project_Project_Milestone_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)

The following tests were at least partly skipped:

  testBase                                           (3 skips)
   test_NonIndexable (testBase.TestBase), check if a document is not indexed where we set isIndexable=0 in the same transaction of newContent(). ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test       must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
   test_NonIndexable2 (testBase.TestBase), check if a document is not indexed where we call edit() and set isIndexable=0 after it is already indexed. ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test       must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'
   test_NonIndexable3 (testBase.TestBase), check if a document is not indexed where we set isIndexable=0 and call edit() after it is already indexed. ... skipped 'isIndexable is not designed to work like tested here, this test       must be rewritten once we know how to handle correctly templates'

  testBusinessTemplate                               (2 skips)

  testCMFActivity                                    (1 skips)

  testERP5Base                                       (1 skips)

  testERP5Catalog                                    (3 skips)
   test_49_IndexInOrderedSearchFolder (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
   test_SubDocumentsWithAcquireLocalRoleSecurityIndexing (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'
   test_sortOnRelatedKeyWithUnsetRelation (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'

  testERP5Interfaces                                 (13 skips)

  testERP5Simulation                                 (5 skips)

  testERP5TypeInterfaces                             (1 skips)

  testFormPrintoutAsODT                              (1 skips)
   test_09_FieldReplacementWithValidation (testFormPrintoutAsODT.TestFormPrintoutAsODT) ... skipped 'Disable validation because OOo does not produce compliant xml, and RelaxNG status is still draft'

  testInventoryAPI                                   (2 skips)

  testMRP                                            (4 skips)
   test_TransformationRule_expand_concurrent (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
   test_TransformationRule_expand_reexpand (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
   test_TransformationRule_getHeadProductionPathList (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'
   test_TransformationSourcingRule_expand (testMRP.TestMRPImplementation) ... skipped 'Unfinished experimental feature'

  testProxyField                                     (1 skips)

  testSQLCachedWorklist                              (1 skips)
   test_02_related_key (testSQLCachedWorklist.TestSQLCachedWorklist) ... skipped 'TODO ERP5'

  testSelectionTool                                  (7 skips)
   skipped 'Test to be written'
   testPage (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testView (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionTool) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   skipped 'Test to be written'
   testDeleteGlobalSelection (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'To be decided if implementation is required'
   testPage (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'
   testView (testSelectionTool.TestSelectionToolMemcachedStorage) ... skipped 'Test to be written'

  testTaskReportDivergence                           (1 skips)

  testTemplate                                       (1 skips)

  testTranslation                                    (1 skips)
-------------- next part --------------

ERROR: test_09_Reference (testAdvancedInvoicing.TestAdvancedSaleInvoice)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testAdvancedInvoicing.py", line 905, in test_09_Reference
    self.portal.portal_workflow.doActionFor(invoice, 'confirm_action')
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/WorkflowTool.py", line 301, in doActionFor
    return self._invokeWithNotification(
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/WorkflowTool.py", line 616, in _invokeWithNotification
    res = func(*args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py", line 287, in doActionFor
    self._changeStateOf(ob, tdef, kw)
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py", line 472, in _changeStateOf
    sdef = self._executeTransition(ob, tdef, kwargs)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/patches/DCWorkflow.py", line 405, in DCWorkflowDefinition_executeTransition
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/Base.py", line 243, in __call__
    wf[wf_id].notifyWorkflowMethod(instance, transition_list, args=args, kw=kw)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/patches/WorkflowTool.py", line 62, in DCWorkflowDefinition_notifyWorkflowMethod
    self._changeStateOf(ob, tdef, kw)
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py", line 472, in _changeStateOf
    sdef = self._executeTransition(ob, tdef, kwargs)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/patches/DCWorkflow.py", line 331, in DCWorkflowDefinition_executeTransition
    script(sci)  # May throw an exception.
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py", line 311, in __call__
    return self._bindAndExec(args, kw, None)
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py", line 348, in _bindAndExec
    return self._exec(bound_data, args, kw)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/ERP5TypeTestCase.py", line 1257, in _exec
    return PythonScript_exec(self, *args)
  File "/usr/lib/erp5/lib/python/Products/PythonScripts/PythonScript.py", line 325, in _exec
    result = f(*args, **kw)
  File "Script (Python)", line 32, in setReferences
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/Tool/IdTool.py", line 137, in generateNewId
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/Document/IdGenerator.py", line 80, in generateNewId
    return self._getLatestSpecialiseValue().generateNewId(*args, **kw)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/Document/IdGenerator.py", line 80, in generateNewId
    return self._getLatestSpecialiseValue().generateNewId(*args, **kw)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/Document/SQLNonContinuousIncreasingIdGenerator.py", line 144, in generateNewId
    return self._generateNewId(id_group=id_group, default=default)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/Document/SQLNonContinuousIncreasingIdGenerator.py", line 80, in _generateNewId
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/patches/DA.py", line 223, in DA__call__
    result=DB__.query(query, self.max_rows_)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 295, in query
    return self._access_db(method_id='query', args=args, kw=kw)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 286, in _access_db
    return getattr(db, method_id)(*args, **kw)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 441, in query
    c = self._query(qs)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 398, in _query
    raise ConflictError('%s: %s: %s' % (m[0], m[1], query))
ConflictError: 1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction: INSERT INTO portal_ids (`id_group`, `last_id`)
 VALUES ('(\'accounting\', \'invoice\', \'organisation_module/34\')', 1)
 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `last_id` = `last_id` + 1

FAIL: test_48bis_ERP5Site_hotReindexAllCheckCachedValues (testERP5Catalog.TestERP5Catalog)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5Catalog.py", line 1742, in test_48bis_ERP5Site_hotReindexAllCheckCachedValues
    self.assertTrue('dummy.dummy_title' in portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog().getColumnMap())

FAIL: test_CreateCELWithNoBasePrice (testERP5CurrencyExchangeLine.TestCurrencyExchangeLine)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.6/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.6/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testERP5CurrencyExchangeLine.py", line 508, in test_CreateCELWithNoBasePrice
AssertionError: 500.0 != 327979

FAIL: test_09_InvoiceChangeStartDateFail (testERP5Simulation.TestERP5SimulationInvoice)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testInvoice.py", line 2828, in test_09_InvoiceChangeStartDateFail
    self.playSequence(sequence, quiet=quiet)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testAccountingRules.py", line 116, in playSequence
    sequence_list.play(self, quiet=quiet)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 192, in play
    sequence.play(context, sequence_number=i, quiet=quiet)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 113, in play
    self._step_list[self._played_index] \
    Current Sequence:
    > CheckPackingListIsDivergent
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 96, in play
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testPackingList.py", line 189, in stepCheckPackingListIsDivergent

FAIL: test_18_compareInvoiceAndPackingList (testERP5Simulation.TestERP5SimulationInvoice)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testInvoice.py", line 3400, in test_18_compareInvoiceAndPackingList
    sequence_list.play(self, quiet=quiet)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 192, in play
    sequence.play(context, sequence_number=i, quiet=quiet)
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 113, in play
    self._step_list[self._played_index] \
    Current Sequence:
    > CheckPackingListInvoice
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/Sequence.py", line 96, in play
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testInvoice.py", line 608, in stepCheckPackingListInvoice
    self.assertEquals(packing_list.getSource(), invoice.getSource())
AssertionError: 'organisation_module/146' != 'organisation_module/148'

FAIL: test_01_renderEvent (testICal.TestICal)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.3/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testICal.py", line 151, in test_01_renderEvent
    self.assertEquals( # if this fail for you, try to set $TZ to Europe/Paris
AssertionError: '20070815T143000Z' != '20070815T083000Z'

FAIL: testCommitOrder (testInvalidationBug.TestInvalidationBug), Check order of resources being committed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.2/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.2/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testInvalidationBug.py", line 92, in testCommitOrder
    self.assertEqual(result_list[-2], [1,0]) # catalog
AssertionError: [1, 1] != [1, 0]

FAIL: testLateInvalidationFromZEO (testInvalidationBug.TestInvalidationBug)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.2/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.2/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testInvalidationBug.py", line 168, in testLateInvalidationFromZEO
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.2/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Type/tests/ProcessingNodeTestCase.py", line 128, in assertNoPendingMessage
AssertionError: These messages are pending: [('/erp5_portal_dbc865b0f58a63ce83de451b148c0de2/organisation_module/2', 'immediateReindexObject', -3, 0)]
Last error message:
Traceback (innermost last):
  Module Products.CMFActivity.ActivityTool, line 1189, in invokeGroup
  Module Products.CMFActivity.ActivityTool, line 213, in getObject
  Module OFS.Traversable, line 233, in unrestrictedTraverse
   - __traceback_info__: ([], '2')
  Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 715, in __getitem__
KeyError: '2'

ERROR: testOpenOrderRule (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testOpenOrder.py", line 284, in testOpenOrderRule
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Legacy/Document/OpenOrderRule.py", line 84, in expand
TypeError: _getOrderDateScheduleTupleList() got multiple values for keyword argument 'calculation_base_date'

FAIL: testBuildingSaleOrder (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testOpenOrder.py", line 400, in testBuildingSaleOrder
    self.assertEqual(len(open_sale_order.getCausalityRelatedValueList(portal_type='Sale Order')), 9)
AssertionError: 0 != 9

FAIL: testPeriodicityDateList (testOpenOrder.TestOpenOrder)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testOpenOrder.py", line 185, in testPeriodicityDateList
    [(D(2008,2,1,0,1), DateTime(2008,2,29)),
AssertionError: [(DateTime('2008/02/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/02/29')), (DateTime('2008/03/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/03/31')), (DateTime('2008/04/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/04/30')), (DateTime('2008/05/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/05/31')), (DateTime('2008/06/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/06/30')), (DateTime('2008/07/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/07/31')), (DateTime('2008/08/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/08/31')), (DateTime('2008/09/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/09/30')), (DateTime('2008/10/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/10/31')), (DateTime('2008/11/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/11/30'))] != [(DateTime('2008/02/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/02/29')), (DateTime('2008/03/01 00:01:00 US/Eastern'), DateTime('2008/03/31')), (DateTime('2008/04/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/04/30')), (DateTime('2008/05/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/05/31')), (DateTime('2008/06/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/06/30')), (DateTime('2008/07/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/07/31')), (DateTime('2008/08/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/08/31')), (DateTime('2008/09/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/09/30')), (DateTime('2008/10/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/10/31')), (DateTime('2008/11/01 00:01:00 GMT-4'), DateTime('2008/11/30'))]

FAIL: test_property_sheet_security_on_permission (testPreferences.TestPreferences), Added a test to make sure permissions are used into portal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.6/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.6/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5Form/tests/testPreferences.py", line 578, in test_property_sheet_security_on_permission
    self.assertFalse(guarded_hasattr(preference_tool, 'getPreferredToto'))

FAIL: test checking if the field values are of the proper type.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.4/build/unit_test/Products/Formulator/tests/testSerializeForm.py", line 358, in test_fieldValueTypes
    self.assertEquals(field.values, field2.values)
AssertionError: {'alternate_name': '', 'title': 'Test Title', 'date_separator': '', 'editable': 0, 'input_order': 'mdy', 'start_datetime': None, 'description': '', 'default_now': 0, 'allow_empty_time': 0, 'ampm_time_style': 0, 'hide_day': 0, 'date_only': 0, 'time_separator': '$', 'hidden': 0, 'default': None, 'css_class': 'test_css', 'required': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'input_style': 'list', 'external_validator': '', 'hidden_day_is_last_day': 0, 'end_datetime': None, 'timezone_style': 0} != {'alternate_name': '', 'title': 'Test Title', 'date_separator': '', 'editable': 0, 'input_order': 'mdy', 'start_datetime': '', 'description': '', 'default_now': 0, 'allow_empty_time': 0, 'ampm_time_style': 0, 'hide_day': 0, 'date_only': 0, 'time_separator': '$', 'hidden': 0, 'default': '', 'css_class': 'test_css', 'required': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'input_style': 'list', 'external_validator': '', 'hidden_day_is_last_day': 0, 'end_datetime': '', 'timezone_style': 0}

FAIL: test_erp5_accounting_Accounting_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_accounting bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 690 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 690 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 741 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 792 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 843 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 894 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 945 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 996 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1047 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1098 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1149 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1200 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1251 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1302 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1353 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1404 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 690 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 690 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 690 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 741 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 741 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 792 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 792 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 843 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 843 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 894 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 894 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 945 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 945 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 996 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 996 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1047 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1047 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1098 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1098 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1149 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1149 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1200 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1200 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1251 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1251 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1302 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1302 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1353 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1353 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1404 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1404 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_accounting_Payment_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_accounting bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 693 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 693 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 744 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 795 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 846 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 897 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 948 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 999 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1050 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1101 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1152 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1203 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1254 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1305 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1356 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1407 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 693 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 693 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 693 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 744 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 744 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 795 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 795 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 846 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 846 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 897 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 897 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 948 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 948 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 999 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 999 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1050 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1050 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1101 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1101 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1152 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1152 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1203 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1203 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1254 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1254 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1305 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1305 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1356 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1356 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1407 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1407 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_accounting_Purchase_Invoice_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_accounting bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 705 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 705 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 756 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 807 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 858 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 909 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 960 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1011 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1062 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1113 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1164 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1215 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1266 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1317 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1368 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1419 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 705 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 705 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 705 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 756 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 756 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 807 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 807 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 858 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 858 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 909 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 909 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 960 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 960 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1011 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1011 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1062 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1062 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1113 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1113 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1164 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1164 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1215 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1215 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1266 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1266 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1317 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1317 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1368 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1368 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1419 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1419 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_accounting_Sale_Invoice_Transaction_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_accounting bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 705 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 705 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 756 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 807 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 858 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 909 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 960 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1011 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1062 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1113 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1164 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1215 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1266 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1317 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1368 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1419 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 705 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 705 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 705 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 756 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 756 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 807 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 807 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 858 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 858 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 909 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 909 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 960 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 960 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1011 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1011 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1062 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1062 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1113 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1113 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1164 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1164 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1215 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1215 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1266 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1266 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1317 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1317 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1368 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1368 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1419 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1419 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_advanced_invoicing_Purchase_Invoice_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_advanced_invoicing bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 701 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 701 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 752 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 803 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 854 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 905 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 956 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1007 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1058 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1109 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1160 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1211 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1262 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1313 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1364 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1415 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 701 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 701 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 701 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 752 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 752 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 803 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 803 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 854 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 854 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 905 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 905 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 956 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 956 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1007 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1007 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1058 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1058 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1109 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1109 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1160 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1160 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1211 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1211 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1262 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1262 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1313 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1313 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1364 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1364 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1415 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1415 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_base_Organisation_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_base bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 771 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 771 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 822 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 873 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 924 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 975 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1026 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1077 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1128 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1179 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1230 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1281 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1332 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1383 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1434 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1485 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 771 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 771 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 771 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 822 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 822 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 873 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 873 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 924 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 924 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 975 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 975 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1026 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1026 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1077 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1077 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1128 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1128 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1179 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1179 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1230 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1230 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1281 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1281 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1332 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1332 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1383 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1383 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1434 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1434 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1485 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1485 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_base_Person_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_base bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 787 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 787 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 838 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 889 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 940 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 991 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1042 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1093 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1144 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1195 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1246 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1297 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1348 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1399 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1450 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1501 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 787 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 787 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 787 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 838 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 838 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 889 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 889 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 940 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 940 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 991 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 991 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1042 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1042 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1093 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1093 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1144 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1144 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1195 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1195 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1246 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1246 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1297 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1297 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1348 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1348 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1399 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1399 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1450 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1450 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1501 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1501 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_forge_Bug_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_forge bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 671 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 671 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 722 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 773 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 824 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 875 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 926 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 977 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1028 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1079 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1130 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1181 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1232 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1283 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1334 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1385 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 671 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 671 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 671 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 722 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 722 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 773 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 773 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 824 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 824 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 875 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 875 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 926 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 926 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 977 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 977 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1028 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1028 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1079 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1079 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1130 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1130 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1181 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1181 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1232 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1232 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1283 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1283 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1334 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1334 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1385 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1385 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_forge_Bug_Line_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_forge bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 674 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 674 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 725 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 776 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 827 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 878 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 929 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 980 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1031 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1082 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1133 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1184 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1235 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1286 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1337 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1388 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 674 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 674 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 674 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 725 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 725 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 776 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 776 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 827 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 827 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 878 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 878 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 929 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 929 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 980 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 980 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1031 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1031 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1082 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1082 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1133 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1133 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1184 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1184 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1235 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1235 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1286 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1286 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1337 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1337 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1388 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1388 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_project_Project_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_project bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 717 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 717 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 768 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 819 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 870 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 921 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 972 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1023 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1074 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1125 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1176 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1227 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1278 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1329 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1380 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1431 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 717 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 717 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 717 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 768 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 768 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 819 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 819 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 870 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 870 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 921 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 921 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 972 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 972 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1023 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1023 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1074 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1074 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1125 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1125 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1176 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1176 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1227 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1227 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1278 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1278 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1329 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1329 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1380 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1380 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1431 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1431 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_project_Project_Line_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_project bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 700 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 700 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 751 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 802 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 853 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 904 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 955 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1006 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1057 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1108 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1159 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1210 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1261 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1312 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1363 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1414 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 700 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 700 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 700 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 751 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 751 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 802 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 802 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 853 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 853 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 904 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 904 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 955 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 955 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1006 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1006 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1057 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1057 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1108 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1108 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1159 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1159 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1210 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1210 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1261 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1261 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1312 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1312 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1363 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1363 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1414 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1414 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

FAIL: test_erp5_project_Project_Milestone_Base_viewDocumentList (testXHTML.TestXHTML)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/products/ERP5Type/tests/backportUnittest.py", line 151, in run
  File "/home/buildbot/slave/full.ERP5.blade-nxd1-10.1/build/unit_test/Products/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py", line 456, in testMethod
AssertionError: Using w3c validator to parse the view "Base_viewDocumentList" (from erp5_project bt) with warnings displayed :
Error: line 671 column 206 : general entity "selection_name" not defined and no default entity
Error: line 671 column 220 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 722 column 217 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 773 column 215 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 824 column 219 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 875 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 926 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 977 column 224 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1028 column 225 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1079 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1130 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1181 column 223 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1232 column 213 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1283 column 226 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1334 column 218 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Error: line 1385 column 216 : reference to entity "selection_name" for which no system identifier could be generated
Warning: line 671 column 206 : cannot generate system identifier for general entity "selection_name"
Warning: line 671 column 220 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 671 column 220 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 722 column 217 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 722 column 217 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 773 column 215 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 773 column 215 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 824 column 219 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 824 column 219 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 875 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 875 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 926 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 926 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 977 column 224 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 977 column 224 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1028 column 225 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1028 column 225 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1079 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1079 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1130 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1130 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1181 column 223 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1181 column 223 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1232 column 213 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1232 column 213 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1283 column 226 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1283 column 226 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1334 column 218 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1334 column 218 : reference to external entity in attribute value
Warning: line 1385 column 216 : reference not terminated by REFC delimiter
Warning: line 1385 column 216 : reference to external entity in attribute value

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