[Erp5-report] r27413 - /erp5/trunk/products/ERP5/Document/PaySheetTransaction.py

nobody at svn.erp5.org nobody at svn.erp5.org
Mon Jun 8 15:35:57 CEST 2009

Author: fabien
Date: Mon Jun  8 15:35:55 2009
New Revision: 27413

URL: http://svn.erp5.org?rev=27413&view=rev
many code have moved to TradeModelLine and TradeCondition remove it from PaySheetTransaction.
Add applyTransformation method wich call the delivery builder to create all the paysheet lines using movements returned by updateAggregatedAmountList


Modified: erp5/trunk/products/ERP5/Document/PaySheetTransaction.py
URL: http://svn.erp5.org/erp5/trunk/products/ERP5/Document/PaySheetTransaction.py?rev=27413&r1=27412&r2=27413&view=diff
--- erp5/trunk/products/ERP5/Document/PaySheetTransaction.py [utf8] (original)
+++ erp5/trunk/products/ERP5/Document/PaySheetTransaction.py [utf8] Mon Jun  8 15:35:55 2009
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
   A paysheet will store data about the salary of an employee
   meta_type = 'ERP5 Pay Sheet Transaction'
   portal_type = 'Pay Sheet Transaction'
   add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@
   # Declarative Interface
   __implements__ = ( )
   def getRatioQuantityFromReference(self, ratio_reference=None):
@@ -79,13 +77,11 @@
     # get ratio lines
     portal_type_list = ['Pay Sheet Model Ratio Line']
     object_ratio_list = self.contentValues(portal_type=portal_type_list)
     # look for ratio lines on the paysheet
     if object_ratio_list:
       for obj in object_ratio_list:
         if obj.getReference() == ratio_reference:
           return obj.getQuantity()
     # if not find in the paysheet, look on dependence tree
     sub_object_list = self.getInheritedObjectValueList(portal_type_list)
     object_ratio_list = sub_object_list
@@ -140,379 +136,62 @@
     return [self.getAnnotationLineFromReference(reference) \
         for reference in reference_list]
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AddPortalContent,
-                            'createPaySheetLine')
-  def createPaySheetLine(self, cell_list, title='', resource='',
-                         description='', base_contribution_list=None, int_index=None,
-                         categories=None, **kw):
-    '''
-    This function register all paysheet informations in paysheet lines and 
-    cells. Select good cells only
-    '''
-    if not resource:
-      raise ValueError, "Cannot create Pay Sheet Line without resource"
-    good_cell_list = []
-    for cell in cell_list:
-      if cell['quantity'] or cell['price']:
-        good_cell_list.append(cell)
-    if len(good_cell_list) == 0:
-      return
-    # Get all variation categories used in cell_list
-    var_cat_list = []
-    for cell in good_cell_list:
-      # Don't add a variation category if already in it
-      for category in cell['category_list']:
-        if category not in var_cat_list:
-          var_cat_list.append(category)
-    resource_value = self.getPortalObject().unrestrictedTraverse(resource)
-    # Add a new Pay Sheet Line
-    payline = self.newContent(
-                       portal_type='Pay Sheet Line',
-                       title=title,
-                       description=description,
-                       destination=self.getSourceSection(),
-                       resource_value=resource_value,
-                       destination_section=self.getDestinationSection(),
-                       variation_base_category_list=('tax_category',
-                                                     'salary_range'),
-                       variation_category_list=var_cat_list,
-                       base_contribution_list=base_contribution_list,
-                       int_index=int_index,
-                       **kw)
-    # add cells categories to the Pay Sheet Line
-    # it's a sort of inheritance of sub-object data
-    if categories:
-      categories_list = payline.getCategoryList()
-      categories_list.extend(categories)
-      # XXX editing categories directly is wrong !
-      payline.edit(categories=categories_list)
-    base_id = 'movement'
-    a = payline.updateCellRange(base_id=base_id)
-    # create cell_list
-    for cell in good_cell_list:
-      paycell = payline.newCell(base_id=base_id, *cell['category_list'])
-      paycell.edit(mapped_value_property_list=('price', 'quantity'),
-                   force_update=1,
-                   **cell)
-    return payline
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
-                          'getEditableModelLineAsDict')
-  def getEditableModelLineAsDict(self, listbox, paysheet):
-    '''
-      listbox is composed by one line for each slice of editables model_lines
-      this script will return editable model lines as a dict with the 
-      properties that could/have be modified.
-    '''
-    portal = paysheet.getPortalObject()
-    model_line_dict = {}
-    for line in listbox:
-      model_line_url = line['model_line']
-      model_line = portal.restrictedTraverse(model_line_url)
-      salary_range_relative_url=line['salary_range_relative_url']
-      if salary_range_relative_url == '':
-        salary_range_relative_url='no_slice'
-      # if this is the first slice of the model_line, create the dict
-      if not model_line_dict.has_key(model_line_url):
-        model_line_dict[model_line_url] = {'int_index' :\
-            model_line.getIntIndex()}
-      model_line_dict[model_line_url][salary_range_relative_url] = {}
-      slice_dict = model_line_dict[model_line_url][salary_range_relative_url]
-      for tax_category in model_line.getTaxCategoryList():
-        if line.has_key('%s_quantity' % tax_category) and \
-            line.has_key('%s_price' % tax_category):
-          slice_dict[tax_category] = dict(
-                      quantity=line['%s_quantity' % tax_category],
-                      price=line['%s_price' % tax_category],)
-        else:
-          LOG('ERP5', INFO, 'No attribute %s_quantity or %s_price for model_line %s' %
-                   ( tax_category, tax_category, model_line_url ))
-    return model_line_dict
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
-                          'getNotEditableModelLineAsDict')
-  def getNotEditableModelLineAsDict(self, paysheet):
-    '''
-      return the not editable lines as dict
-    '''
-    model = paysheet.getSpecialiseValue().getEffectiveModel(paysheet)
-    def sortByIntIndex(a, b):
-      return cmp(a.getIntIndex(), b.getIntIndex())
-    # get model lines
-    portal_type_list = ['Pay Sheet Model Line']
-    sub_object_list = paysheet.getInheritedObjectValueList(portal_type_list)
-    sub_object_list.sort(sortByIntIndex)
-    model_line_list = sub_object_list
-    model_line_dict = {}
-    for model_line in model_line_list:
-      model_line_url = model_line.getRelativeUrl()
-      cell_list = model_line.contentValues(portal_type='Pay Sheet Cell')
-      for cell in cell_list:
-        salary_range_relative_url = \
-            cell.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list='salary_range')
-        tax_category = cell.getTaxCategory()
-        if len(salary_range_relative_url):
-          salary_range_relative_url = salary_range_relative_url[0]
-        else:
-          salary_range_relative_url = 'no_slice'
-        # if this is the first slice of the model_line, create the dict
-        if not model_line_dict.has_key(model_line_url):
-          model_line_dict[model_line_url] = {'int_index' :\
-              model_line.getIntIndex()}
-        model_line_dict[model_line_url][salary_range_relative_url] = {}
-        slice_dict = model_line_dict[model_line_url][salary_range_relative_url]
-        slice_dict[tax_category] = dict(quantity=cell.getQuantity(),
-                                        price=cell.getPrice())
-    return model_line_dict
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
-                            'createPaySheetLineList')
-  def createPaySheetLineList(self, listbox=None, batch_mode=0, **kw):
-    '''Create all Pay Sheet Lines (editable or not)
-      parameters :
-      - batch_mode :if batch_mode is enabled (=1) then there is no preview view,
-                    and editable lines are considered as not editable lines.
-                    This is usefull to generate all PaySheet of a company.
-                    Modification values can be made on each paysheet after, by
-                    using the "Calculation of the Pay Sheet Transaction"
-                    action button. (concerned model lines must be editable)
-    '''
-    paysheet = self
-    if not batch_mode and listbox is not None:
-      model_line_dict = paysheet.getEditableModelLineAsDict(listbox=listbox,
-          paysheet=paysheet)
-    # Get Precision
-    precision = paysheet.getPriceCurrencyValue().getQuantityPrecision()
-    # in this dictionary will be saved the current amount corresponding to 
-    # the tuple (tax_category, base_amount) :
-    # current_amount = base_amount_dict[base_amount][share]
-    base_amount_dict = {}
-    model = paysheet.getSpecialiseValue().getEffectiveModel(paysheet)
-    def sortByIntIndex(a, b):
-      return cmp(a.getIntIndex(), b.getIntIndex())
-    # get model lines
-    portal_type_list = ['Pay Sheet Model Line']
-    sub_object_list = paysheet.getInheritedObjectValueList(portal_type_list)
-    sub_object_list.sort(sortByIntIndex)
-    model_line_list = sub_object_list
-    pay_sheet_line_list = []
-    # main loop : find all informations and create cell and PaySheetLines
-    for model_line in model_line_list:
-      cell_list = []
-      # test with predicate if this model line could be applied
-      if not model_line.test(paysheet,):
-        # This model_line should not be applied
-        LOG('ERP5', DEBUG, 'createPaySheetLineList: Model Line %s (%s) will'
-            ' not be applied, because predicates does not match' %
-            ( model_line.getTitle(), model_line.getRelativeUrl() ))
-        continue
-      service = model_line.getResourceValue()
-      if service is None:
-        raise ValueError, 'Model Line %s has no resource' % (
-                                        model_line.getRelativeUrl())
-      title = model_line.getTitleOrId()
-      int_index = model_line.getFloatIndex()
-      resource = service.getRelativeUrl()
-      base_contribution_list = model_line.getBaseContributionList()
-      # get the service provider, either on the model line, or using the
-      # annotation line reference.
-      source_section = None
-      source_annotation_line_reference = \
-                    model_line.getSourceAnnotationLineReference()
-      if model_line.getSource():
-        source_section = model_line.getSource()
-      elif source_annotation_line_reference:
-        annotation_line = paysheet.getAnnotationLineFromReference(source_annotation_line_reference)
-        if annotation_line is not None:
-          source_section = annotation_line.getSource()
-      if model_line.getDescription():
-        desc = model_line.getDescription()
-        # if the model_line description is empty, the payroll service
-        # description is used
-      else:
-        desc = service.getDescription()
-      base_category_list = model_line.getVariationBaseCategoryList()
-      category_list_list = []
-      for base_cat in base_category_list:
-        category_list = model_line.getVariationCategoryList(
-                                        base_category_list=base_cat)
-        category_list_list.append(category_list)
-      cartesian_product = cartesianProduct(category_list_list)
-      share = None
-      slice = 'no_slice'
-      indice = 0
-      categories = []
-      for cell_coordinates in cartesian_product:
-        indice += 1
-        cell = model_line.getCell(*cell_coordinates)
-        if cell is None:
-          LOG('ERP5', INFO, "Can't find the cell corresponding to those cells"
-              " coordinates : %s" % cell_coordinates)
-          # XXX is it enough to log ?
-          continue
-        if len(cell.getVariationCategoryList(\
-            base_category_list='tax_category')):
-          share = cell.getVariationCategoryList(\
-              base_category_list='tax_category')[0]
-        if len(cell.getVariationCategoryList(\
-            base_category_list='salary_range')):
-          slice = cell.getVariationCategoryList(\
-              base_category_list='salary_range')[0]
-        # get the edited values if this model_line is editable
-        # and replace the original cell values by this ones
-        if model_line.isEditable() and not batch_mode:
-          tax_category = cell.getTaxCategory()
-          # get the dict who contain modified values
-          line_dict = model_line_dict[model_line.getRelativeUrl()]
-          def getModifiedCell(cell, slice_dict, tax_category):
-            '''
-              return a cell with the edited values (contained in slice_dict)
-            '''
-            if slice_dict:
-              if slice_dict.has_key(tax_category):
-                if slice_dict[tax_category].has_key('quantity'):
-                  cell = cell.asContext(\
-                      quantity=slice_dict[tax_category]['quantity'])
-                if slice_dict[tax_category].has_key('price'):
-                  cell = cell.asContext(price=slice_dict[tax_category]['price'])
-            return cell
-          cell = getModifiedCell(cell, line_dict[slice], tax_category)
-        ######################
-        # calculation part : #
-        ######################
-        # get script in this order
-        # 1 - model_line script
-        # 2 - model script
-        # 3 - get the default calculation script
-        # get the model line script
-        script_name = model_line.getCalculationScriptId()
-        if script_name is None:
-          # if model line script is None, get the default model script
-          script_name = model.getDefaultCalculationScriptId()
-        if script_name is None:
-          # if no calculation script found, use a default script :
-          script_name = 'PaySheetTransaction_defaultCalculationScript'
-        if getattr(paysheet, script_name, None) is None:
-          raise ValueError, "Unable to find `%s` calculation script" % \
-                                                           script_name
-        calculation_script = getattr(paysheet, script_name, None)
-        quantity=0
-        price=0
-        cell_dict = calculation_script(base_amount_dict=base_amount_dict,
-                                       cell=cell,)
-        cell_dict.update({'category_list': cell_coordinates})
-        if cell_dict.has_key('categories'):
-          for cat in cell_dict['categories']:
-            if cat not in categories:
-              categories.append(cat)
-        quantity = cell_dict['quantity']
-        price = cell_dict['price']
-        if quantity and price:
-          cell_list.append(cell_dict)
-          # update the base_contribution
-          for base_contribution in base_contribution_list:
-            if quantity:
-              if base_amount_dict.has_key(base_contribution) and \
-                  base_amount_dict[base_contribution].has_key(share):
-                old_val = base_amount_dict[base_contribution][share]
-              else:
-                old_val = 0
-              new_val = old_val + quantity
-              if not base_amount_dict.has_key(base_contribution):
-                base_amount_dict[base_contribution]={}
-              if price:
-                new_val = round((old_val + quantity*price), precision)
-              base_amount_dict[base_contribution][share] = new_val
-      if cell_list and model_line.isCreatePaysheetLine():
-        # create the PaySheetLine
-        pay_sheet_line = paysheet.createPaySheetLine(
-                                            title=title,
-                                            resource=resource,
-                                            source_section=source_section,
-                                            int_index=int_index,
-                                            desc=desc,
-                                            base_contribution_list=base_contribution_list,
-                                            cell_list=cell_list,
-                                            categories=categories)
-        pay_sheet_line_list.append(pay_sheet_line)
-    # this script is used to add a line that permit to have good accounting 
-    # lines
-    post_calculation_script = paysheet._getTypeBasedMethod('postCalculation')
-    if post_calculation_script:
-      post_calculation_script()
-    return pay_sheet_line_list
   def getInheritedObjectValueList(self, portal_type_list, property_list=()):
     '''Return a list of all subobjects of the herited model (incuding the
       If property_list is provided, only subobjects with at least one of those
-      properties is defined will be taken into account
+      properties will be taken into account
-    model = self.getSpecialiseValue().getEffectiveModel(self)
-    model_reference_dict = model.getInheritanceModelReferenceDict(
+    model = self.getSpecialiseValue().getEffectiveModel(\
+        start_date=self.getStartDate(),
+        stop_date=self.getStopDate())
+    model_reference_dict = model.getInheritanceReferenceDict(
     sub_object_list = []
     traverse = self.getPortalObject().unrestrictedTraverse
     for model_url, id_list in model_reference_dict.items():
       model = traverse(model_url)
       sub_object_list.extend([model._getOb(x) for x in id_list])
     return sub_object_list
+  def applyTransformation(self):
+    '''use a delivery builder to create all the paysheet lines using 
+      movements return by updateAggregatedAmountList
+    '''
+    portal = self.getPortalObject()
+    paysheet_model = self.getSpecialiseValue()
+    movement_dict = paysheet_model.updateAggregatedAmountList(context=self)
+    for movement in movement_dict['movement_to_delete_list']:
+      parent = movement.getParentValue()
+      parent.manage_delObjects(movement.getId())
+    business_process_list = paysheet_model.findSpecialiseValueList(\
+        context=paysheet_model,
+        portal_type_list=['Business Process'])
+    if len(business_process_list):
+      # XXX currently, we consider that is to complicated to use more than one
+      # Business Process, so we take the first (wich is the nearest from
+      # the paysheet)
+      business_process = business_process_list[0]
+      movement_list_trade_phase_dic = {}
+      for movement in movement_dict['movement_to_add_list']:
+        trade_phase = movement.getTradePhase()
+        if not movement_list_trade_phase_dic.has_key(trade_phase):
+          movement_list_trade_phase_dic[trade_phase] = []
+        movement_list_trade_phase_dic[trade_phase].append(movement)
+      for trade_phase in movement_list_trade_phase_dic.keys():
+        builder_list = []
+        business_path_list = business_process.getPathValueList(trade_phase=\
+            trade_phase)
+        if len(business_path_list) > 1:
+          raise NotImplementedError, 'For now, payroll can not support more '\
+              'than one business_path with same trade_phase. '\
+              '%s have same trade_phase' % repr(business_path_list)
+        if len(business_path_list) == 1:
+          business_path = business_path_list[0]
+          builder_list = [portal.restrictedTraverse(url) for url in\
+                          business_path.getDeliveryBuilderList()]
+          for builder in builder_list:
+            builder.build(delivery_relative_url_list=[self.getRelativeUrl(),],
+                      movement_list = movement_list_trade_phase_dic[trade_phase])

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